
s13: new york

Here are some pictures and a vlog from my weekend trip to NYC. I've fallen in love with the city so badly that  I definitely need to come back as soon as I can. Even though I tried to visit as many places as I could, sadly, I was only able to go to Soho and Times Square. I managed to pick up a few more items from Brandy Melville and H&M for my haul which I will post around next week or so. I will also be posting more details on my outfit in a couple of days as promised! I'm currently stuck at Charlotte for the next six hours due to a delayed flight so I decided to finally post this.

photos are in no particular order


  1. Great post! You're making me really jealous right now, I've still never been to NYC.


    1. Thank you! It's a wonderful city, so easy to fall in love with ♥
